Mumbuni Technical Training College

Under the ministry of water and sanitization, plumbing and drainage is considered as the main class. In this class there are several tasks which we cover in general from students taking the artisan courses which are under the National Industrial and Training Authority (NITA).The leaner should know safety in or at the work site, how to handle and which tools & equipment to be used where, the material estimation and quantities on or at the site, how to supply cold and hot water respectively, how to install sanitaries in the building, how to drain the foul or waste water from the building to the located sewage plant or septic tank. The student should be able to interpret building plans in a given site. After conclusion of the course the student is tested to attain a certificate and can proceed to higher levels.

Office Address


Email Address

Office Time

Mon - Sat 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Sunday - Closed

Machakos Branch

Makindu Branch